USSR's Policy and Strategy in the Far North in the Context of Soviet-Norwegian Relations in the First Half of the 20th Century
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USSR's Policy and Strategy in the Far North in the Context of Soviet-Norwegian Relations in the First Half of the 20th Century
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Alexey Komarov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Norway gained independence in 1905. Since then its foreign and security policy went all the way from non-participation in political alliances to the membership in NATO after World War II. The USSR, for its part, initially showing little interest towards its northern neighbor, became Norway’s ally within the Anti-Hitler Coalition during World War II and, launching the Petsamo-Kirkenes offensive operation, liberated Eastern Finnmark from the Germans. The neighboring state’s accession to NATO membership in 1949 led to a cooling of Soviet-Norwegian relations. Moscow’s growing interest to the High North and the Arctic was to a large extent determined by the increased geopolitical and military strategic significance of these regions.

Soviet-Norwegian relations, Far North, Kola Bay, War in the Arctic, Liberation of Eastern Finnmark, Spitsbergen, Cold War, NATO
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