Shadow of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Nation-Building in the Territory of Lithuania and Belarus in 1919—1920
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Shadow of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Nation-Building in the Territory of Lithuania and Belarus in 1919—1920
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Aleksander Shubin 
Institute of World History RAS
State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article offers an overview of the state-political construction in the territory of Lithuania and Belarus in 1919—1920. It occurred in the territory with mixed population and the unclear boundaries in terms of Revolution, the Soviet-Polish and Soviet-Lithuanian and Polish-Lithuanian armed confrontation. To solve complex national problems, projects were put forward and partially implemented to create a large state on the territory of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania, including the territories inhabited by Lithuanians, Belarusians and poles. At the same time, the Soviet project of Litbel assumed Lithuanian cultural domination, and the Pro-Polish projects of the Federation and the “Middle Lithuania” — Polish cultural domination. The Lithuanian anti-Soviet government also sought to include into the Republic the territories inhabited by Belarusians. The author believes that in conditions when national and cultural standards were still being formed, the outcome of this struggle could influence them. The norms of language, ethnic identification of historical figures, which today seem obvious to us, then in reality were uncertain, were in the process of formation.

Revolution, Republic of Lithuania, Belarus, Litbel, Mickevičius, Zhilunović, Ioffe, Middle Lithuania, Soviet-Polish war
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