Women-Medics of Russian Abroad in 1917—1939: Scientific and Practical Work in Emigration
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Women-Medics of Russian Abroad in 1917—1939: Scientific and Practical Work in Emigration
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Olga Barkova 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article focuses on the contribution of Russian women abroad — A. M. Gelen, T. V. Dembo, N. A. Dobrovolskaya-Zavadskaya, E. N. Telegina and others, who were engaged in medical work in emigration at the time of the formation of the scientific professional community of the first half of the twentieth century. Particular attention in the article is given to the controversial issue of the number of the scientific society of the emigration and its gender component; the problem of social adaptation of female medical workers of the Russian diaspora of the “first post-revolutionary wave” in the context of “personal history” and their contribution to the development of world medicine in the 20th century The article attempts to personify the female medical abroad in 1917—1939 and the return to our actuality of the forgotten names of female doctors of the “first post-revolutionary wave” who were engaged in practical and scientific activities in emigration.

women scientists of the Russian diaspora in 1917—1939, women-medics of the Russian diaspora of the “first post-revolutionary wave”, the problem of personification, size, professional adaptation
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