Jonas Lied’s Siberian Company: Achievements and Failures of Norwegian Business in Russia at the Beginning of the 20th Century
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Jonas Lied’s Siberian Company: Achievements and Failures of Norwegian Business in Russia at the Beginning of the 20th Century
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Vladimir Karelin 
Affiliation: Pushkin Leningrad State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article highlights one of episodes of a Norwegian business activity in Russia on the eve of and during the First World War and Russian Revolution. Norwegianswere strongly interested: in commercial exploitation of the Kara Sea Route to the mouth of the Siberian rivers Yenisei and Ob; in organizing transit trade Siberia with West European countries and USA; in industrial investments to Siberia. The author covers Norwegian/Russian entrepreneur Jonas Lied’srolein establishing Siberian Steamship, Manufacturing & Trading Company;in developing itscooperation with the Russian big business persons, Siberian merchants,ties with representatives ofRussian aristocracy and government officials. Authot tries toidentifyboth factors that contributed to the successful operationsby Norwegian company in Russia, and reasons for its final failure late 1917 — early 1918.

the history of Russian-Norwegian relations, the economic ties between Norway and Russia in the early twentieth century, Jonas Lied, the Siberian Steamship, Manufacturing & Trading Company
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