The Way to Communism: Transport Infrastructure and Post-War Restoration of the USSR Industry (through the Example of the Karelian Isthmus)
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The Way to Communism: Transport Infrastructure and Post-War Restoration of the USSR Industry (through the Example of the Karelian Isthmus)
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Pavel Pokidko 
Affiliation: European University at Saint Petersburg
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Elena Kochetkova
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Ivan Letyukhin
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article deals with the changes in the work of industrial enterprises and the transport system of the Karelian Isthmus that supplied them after it had been annexed by the USSR in 1944 as a result of the war with Finland. The relocation of the state border raised the question about creation of a new transport infrastructure for the supply of large industrial enterprises located there. For the Soviet leadership, the restoration of production in the new territories was the primary task, but in practice it caused a number of difficulties. On the basis of the new archival documents of the Leningrad Regional State Archive (LOGAV), which include reports and minutes of meetings of industrial enterprises, the article discusses the practices of development and restructuring of transport infrastructure in the former Finnish territory. The article shows that the country's leadership did not take into account the geographical conditions of the area and did not allocate sufficient resources and funds for the construction of railways in the new territories. This created problems for industrial production on the isthmus, destroying the initial tasks of the country`s leadership of the rapid recovery of enterprises.

railways, paper and pulp mills, infrastructure, industry, USSR, Karelian Isthmus
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