Ural-Volga Region Model of Integration into the Russian Imperial Space
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Ural-Volga Region Model of Integration into the Russian Imperial Space
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Olga Senutkina 
Affiliation: Dobrolyubov Nizhny Novgorod Linguistics University
Address: Russian Federation, Nizny Novgorod
Julia Guseva
Affiliation: Moscow City University (Samara Branch)
Address: Russian Federation, Samara

The objective of the article is to explore the specifics of the Ural-Volga region model of integration into the Russian imperial space. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to determine the time frame of the process of this integration, to identify the characteristics of the Ural-Volga region model compared with other models, first of all, with Central Asia one, to find out the main mechanisms for consolidating the Ural-Volga region in the empire. The source database of the research is primarily administrative documentation (state office work) which ensures the success of entering the imperial space. To construct the Ural-Volga model of integration into the Russian imperial space, the authors of the article refer to recent methodological developments, which allow a deeper understanding of the specifics of this model at the time of its creation. The theoretical basis of the study was therefore the works of the conceptual nature of such authors as: A. V. Remnev, S. V. Lyubichankovsky, D. V. Vasiliev, R. Geraci, E. Said, V. Tolts, and others. Scientific novelty is determined by the formulation of the problem and the construction of an integration model based on modern methodological ideas of scholars. The studied methodological ideas allowed the authors to identify the place of the Ural-Volga region in the West-East dichotomy; to understand whether it is possible to designate the region in question as “periphery”, as “margin” in relation to the “center”; to incorporate the integration process of the Volga-Urals into the paradigm of Russian civilization. The authors came to understand that the integration processes during the creation of the Russian empire were largely determined by the image of the Ural-Volga region that was formed in the minds of the political and intellectual elite of Russian society in the changing conditions of social development. This image dictated more or less strict mechanisms of interaction between the center and periphery (the actions of the Novokreshchensky Office, tolerance towards non-Orthodox confessions, persecution of those suspected of pan-Islamism, etc.).

Russian Empire, imperial space, Ural-Volga region, integration, acculturation
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