Accultural Model of an Empire as a Methodological Alternative to the Colonial Approach
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Accultural Model of an Empire as a Methodological Alternative to the Colonial Approach
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Sergey Lyubichankovskiy 
Affiliation: Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Orenburg

The article analyzes the basic methodological framework of the acculturation model of understanding the phenomenon of the Empire. The content of the concepts “acculturation”, “acculturation policy” is considered. Four main directions of this policy have been identified in relation to the territory of residence of the nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples of Russia as a continental Empire. The author shows that, from a methodological point of view, the traditional colonial approach has an alternative, such as the acculturation model, which is, by and large, an example of the implementation of the “hybrid paradigm” of understanding an Empire, which makes it possible to see in history not only the dichotomy “metropolis — colony", but also a number of intermediate forms, selected by different principles. It is shown that for an continental Empires the “metropolis – colony” dichotomy is overly simplistic, it is more appropriate to use a threefold division: a center — an inner periphery — an outskirts. The essence of an Empire lies in the internal expansion, which consists in the gradual expansion of the standards of the "core of the Empire" to the peripheral territories, and the acculturation policy in this movement is one of the most important levers. The conclusion is drawn that the acculturation model does not contradict the colonial approach, but substantially complements it, being more universal.

acculturation, imperial acculturation policy, Empire, colonial approach, periphery, methodology
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