Legal Institutional Framework of the Steppe Region during the Post-Reform Period: the History of Local Traditions, General Imperial Institutions and Legal Standards Engaging Together
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Legal Institutional Framework of the Steppe Region during the Post-Reform Period: the History of Local Traditions, General Imperial Institutions and Legal Standards Engaging Together
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Inna Anisimova 
Affiliation: Аltay State University
Address: Russian Federation, Barnaul

The article was based on a wide variety of archive documents and reports on a complex analysis of legal institutional system of Central Asian outskirts of the Russian Empire from 60s to 90s of the 19th century. An important phase of justice system modernisation was the 1864 reform. It was progressive and essentially changed all parts of the law system. However, areas like the Steppe region and Turkestan were left out deliberately. It was brought to light that during that period of time Russian government decided to keep all institutions of the traditional law (biy, adat), as well as the existing  elements of pre-reform imperial justice system. Changing the framework was quite difficult due to the gradual import of the new elements of the imperial post-reform law. During the research it was established  that the engagement inside of the system was contradictory and often mutually exclusive. We can see that the governmental hesitation to completely change system as the whole resulted in its dysfunctionality and inefficiency. The 1898 reform completed the establishment of the new court statutes of 1964 in the Steppe region and confirmed the existence of formal and informal institutions, which later would bring up the discussion of the problem until the end imperial period.

the Russian Empire, the Steppe region, judicial reform, common law, modernisation
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