The Ruling Elite and Patronage System in Russia in the 18th Century: an Overview of the English-Language Historiography
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The Ruling Elite and Patronage System in Russia in the 18th Century: an Overview of the English-Language Historiography
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Anastasia Lyscova 
Affiliation: Ural Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

The main idea behind this article is to look at English-language literature about patronage relationship in the 18th-century Russian ruling elite. The works of 9 American and British historians who wrote between 1970 and 2000 are analyzed in the article. The emergence of such kind of investigations in this period coincided with a general trend in Western historiography to investigate the history of European elites and their relationships. It is impossible to reconstruct the patron-client networks of 18th-century Russia without discussing Peter I’s policy regarding the elite. Due to this fact, the beginning of the 18th century has provoked stirred especial interest among historians. Over almost 30 years (1970—2000), British and Americans scholars came to the general conclusion in accordance with the Russian ruling elite in large extent consisted of old boyar families’ successors in the 18th-century. At the end of the 1990s, scholars began to renew this thesis, taking into account the existence of the friendship ties and personal career strategies.

patron-client relations, Boyar Duma, aristocracy, Russian imperial court, Russian elite, Peter’s the Great reforms
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