Dutch Periodical Press in the 17th — 18th Сenturies and Pieter 'T Hoen's Destiny Turns
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Dutch Periodical Press in the 17th — 18th Сenturies and Pieter 'T Hoen's Destiny Turns
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Galina Shatokhina-Mordvintseva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article traces the main stages and directions of the development of the periodical press in the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. The author focuses on the most important periodicals (first newspaper in Dutch, newspaper founded in 17th century and still-existing, first educational magazine and periodicals of Batavia), gives main qualitative characteristics of that period and tells the story of the most famous weekly of the 18th century “De Post van den Neder-Rijn”. Foundation of this magazine by the Utrecht poet and “patriot”-politician Pieter 't Hoen marked the beginning of political journalism in the Netherlands.

the Netherlands, United Provinces, Dutch periodical press, newspapers, the movement of “patriots”, Pieter 'т Hoen
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