The United States Are Losing an Ally in the Middle East: J. Carter’s Administration Policy towards Iran, 1977—1980
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The United States Are Losing an Ally in the Middle East: J. Carter’s Administration Policy towards Iran, 1977—1980
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Valery Yungblyud 
Affiliation: Vyatka State University
Address: Russian Federation, Vyatka
Tamara Vorobyova
Affiliation: Vyatka State University
Address: Russian Federation, Vyatka

The article is about the US reaction to the events of 1977—1979 in Iran. The Authors consider factors that influenced US course towards this country, characterize the specificity of the American perception of the Iranian opposition and its leader R. Khomeini. Attention is drawn to the underestimation by the American politicians of the role of the Islamic factor. In the mid-1970s. The dialogue of the West with the Soviet Union changed the general climate of international relations and made it possible to defuse international tensions. Statements by US President J. Carter that in relations with other states of the United States will be guided by the principle of guarantees of “human rights” were the reason of illusions among the democratic forces of the “third world”. The liberal part of the Iranian political class turned out to be susceptible to this rhetoric, but in the end did not receive substantial support from the American administration. Iran was one of the parts of the military-political system of the West, part of the CENTO bloc. It’s modernization were successful process. But the revolution destroyed the American security system in the Middle East. And although the liberal nationalists fought against the Shah regime, mass discontent with the current government was channeled not by the secular, but by the Islamic opposition. It overthrew the regime of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and began to create a new statehood on Islamic basis. The Iranian revolution challenged Western culture and the American social model. The events of 1979 showed that religion in the Muslim world is a more effective for achieving the purpose of mobilizing the masses than secular ideology. The revolution led to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in its radical form. The article substantiates the conclusion that one of the important factors of this turn of events was the inconsistent actions of American diplomacy. In 1978—1979 Washington haven’t closely looked at issue of threats of extremist religious movement inspired by the successes of the Shia clergy. The attention of the US administration was focused on stopping nationalism and left-wing ideas. One of the outcomes of the American course was the creation of conditions for the transformation of radical Islam into an important factor in world politics.

Detente, US strategy, Iran, Shia clergy, Shah Mohammed Pahlavi, Ayatollah Khomeini, Carter, Vance, Brzezinski, Islamic fundamentalism, Bazargan, Soviet factor
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The study was completed at the expense of grant from the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 19-18-00501).
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