Alexander Bogdanov in Intellectual Periodicals of the 1920s: Controversy and Hounding
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Alexander Bogdanov in Intellectual Periodicals of the 1920s: Controversy and Hounding
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Vladimir Sidorin 
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

After a decade of comparative truce, the 1920s are characterized by a new anti-Bogdanov campaign. These attacks against Bogdanov in intellectual periodicals of the 1920s differed significantly in form: from polemical materials to assaults that could not be called anything but chase and in which the arguments were replaced by attaching political and ideological labels. They also differed in content: the main objects of criticism and chase were Bogdanov’s views on the current economic situation and on the methodology of economics in general, his point of view on the problems of the relationship between revolution and culture and his tektology. The author attempts to outline the main trends of anti-Bogdanov criticism on the example of three leading journals — “Under the Banner of Marxism”, “Bulletin of the Communist Academy” and “Bolshevik”, each of which was a voice of certain intellectual circles of the emerging Soviet culture of the 1920s.

A. A. Bogdanov, political economy, Proletkult, tektology, dialectics
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1. Asmus V. F. Logicheskaya reforma A. Bogdanova (Po povodu doklada A. Bogdanova «Predely nauchnosti rassuzhdeniya») // Vestnik Kommunisticheskoj akademii. 1927. № 22. S. 122—144.

2. Asmus V. F., Bammel' Gr., Bogdanov A. A., Vajnshtejn I. Ya. Preniya po dokladu A. A. Bogdanova // Vestnik Kommunisticheskoj akademii. 1927. № 21. S. 263—290.

3. Bammel' Gr. O nashem filosofskom razvitii za 10 let revolyutsii // Pod znamenem marksizma. 1927. № 10-11. S. 46—88.

4. Bogdanov A. A. Dnevnikovye zapisi ob areste i prebyvanii vo vnutrennej tyur'me GPU s prilozheniem pisem na imya predsedatelya GPU F. Eh. Dzerzhinskogo // Neizvestnyj Bogdanov v 3 knigakh / pod red. G. A. Bordyugova. Kn. 1: A. A. Bogdanov (Malinovskij). Stat'i, doklady, pis'ma i vospominaniya. 1901—1928. M., 1995.

5. Bogdanov A. A. Pis'mo v redaktsiyu (Ob osnovnom istorizme politicheskoj ehkonomii) // Vestnik Kommunisticheskoj akademii. 1924. № 9. S. 398—400.

6. Bogdanov A. A. Predely nauchnosti rassuzhdeniya // Vestnik Kommunisticheskoj akademii. 1927. № 21. S. 244—263.

7. Bukharin N. I. Burzhuaznaya revolyutsiya i revolyutsionnyj proletariat // Pod znamenem marksizma. 1922. № 7-8. S. 61—82.

8. Vajnshtejn I. Ya. Iskusstvo i organizatsionnaya teoriya // Vestnik Kommunisticheskoj akademii. 1925. № 11. S. 204—222.

9. Vajnshtejn I. Ya. Organizatsionnyj opyt ili «preodolenie filosofii» // Vestnik Kommunisticheskoj akademii. 1925. № 12. S. 174—207.

10. Vajnshtejn I. Ya. Organizatsionnaya teoriya i dialekticheskij materializm: sistematicheskaya kritika A. Bogdanova. M.; L., 1927.

11. Vajnshtejn I. Ya. Tektologiya i taktika // Pod znamenem marksizma. 1924. № 6-7. S. 90—96.

12. Karev. N. Tektologiya ili dialektika (K kritike «Tektologii» A. Bogdanova) // Pod znamenem marksizma. 1926. № 1-2. S. 90—114; № 3. S. 29—52; № 4-5. S. 16—44.

13. Lenin V. I. Protiv Bogdanova / N. Lenin, G. Plekhanova. M., 1923.

14. Ot redaktsii // Pod znamenem marksizma. 1922. № 1-2. S. 3—4.

15. Petrov F. N. S «ispravlennym» Marksom protiv kommunizma // Bol'shevik. 1924. № 5-6. S. 89—101.

16. Plyutto P. A. A. A. Bogdanov o «voennom kommunizme» // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. 1990. № 11. S. 147—151.

17. Skvortsov-Stepanov I. I., Bukharin N. I., Dvojlatskij Sh. M., Bogdanov A. A., Preobrazhenskij E. A., Pokrovskij M. M. i dr. Preniya po dokladu tov. Skvortsova-Stepanova // Vestnik Kommunisticheskoj akademii. 1925. № 11. S. 292—346.

18. Skvortsov-Stepanov I. I. Chto takoe politehkonomiya? // Vestnik Kommunisticheskoj akademii. 1925. № 11. S. 257—292.

19. Udal'tsov A. K kritike teorii klassov u A. A. Bogdanova // Pod znamenem marksizma. 1922. № 7-8. S. 82—100.

20. Yakovlev Ya. A. O dialektike kul'turnogo razvitiya i Vardinskom perelozhenii A. Bogdanova // Bol'shevik. 1925. № 11-12. S. 9—19.


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