Historical Context and Contemporary Significance of Alexander Bogdanov's Social Projects
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Historical Context and Contemporary Significance of Alexander Bogdanov's Social Projects
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Sofia Pirozhkova 
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Valentina Omelaenko
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The authors contrast the format of collective, first of all, coalition and dialogue, realization of social development with different variants of technological solution of social problems. It is stated that such form of prognostic activity as foresight is more specific approach than social technology. The essence of this approach is the embodiment of the ideal of collective and coalition social construction, based on development of certain social technologies, but not limited to them. In order to better understand this approach, the authors carry out the historical reconstruction of the forms of social interaction that preceded it. In the article this scale task is limited to one period of Russian history — the turn of the 19th — beginning of 20th century and the works of A. A. Bogdanov. This period is time of productive development of social relations and Bogdanov’ works reflecting both capacity and contradictions of this period. The article not only deals with social projects Bogdanov formulated and tried to implement, but also analyzes the theoretical foundations and epistemological status of these projects.

social science, social engineering, social project, social technology, foresight, A. A. Bogdanov, positivism, marxism, utopia
Источник финансирования
The reported study was funded by the grant Council of the President of the Russian Federation for young Russian scientists — PhD (project № MK-6317.2018.6 "Capacity of Foresight as a tool for social designing in contemporary Russia: epistemological and activity-theoretic analysis").
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