The “Intimates” and the “Strangers” in the French Medieval Family
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The “Intimates” and the “Strangers” in the French Medieval Family
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Olga Togoeva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the problem of relations between owners and servants in the French small family of the late Middle Ages. Analysis of didactic treatises of the 14h and 15th centuries allows the author to reveal not only the ideal form of these relations, but to establish a set of conflict situations in which a trusted servant, who abides in the position of member of the family, has turned into the “alien”, the enemy that you need to get rid of by any means. At the same time, the analysis of the stylistic features of the French manuals leads the author to the conclusion that these treatises may be considered within the framework of the misogynous literary tradition: they clearly affirm the primacy of men in both family and economic life, belittle the role of women (both spouses and maids), attribute to her all possible errors that could be produced in the household.

Late Middle Ages, France, didactics, household, servants, medieval misogyny
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