Features of Productive Cooperative Labour in England in the Middle of the 19th Century: in a Context of Christian Socialist Associations
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Features of Productive Cooperative Labour in England in the Middle of the 19th Century: in a Context of Christian Socialist Associations
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Irina Novichenko 
Institute of World History RAS
Russian State Public Historical Library
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the organization of labour in the productive co-operative working associations created by British Christian Socialists in 1850—1852. Based on the analysis of the press and the recollections of Christian Socialists, the actions of the Society for the Promotion of Workers' Associations for organizing the workshops for tailors, sewing-maids, shoemakers, printers, builders, bakers, turners and piano makers, etc., are considered to overcome the forced nature of labour and to give the workers possibility to organise independently the production. “Associated work” could not stand the test, mainly due to the cultural and educational unwillingness of employees for voluntary, independent and responsible activities.

history of cooperation, British Christian Socialists, productive co-operation, history of labour and labour relations
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