“Crime s a Social Disease” as the Concept of a Penal Reform Discourse in the 18th Century
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“Crime s a Social Disease” as the Concept of a Penal Reform Discourse in the 18th Century
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Svetlana Vasilieva 
Affiliation: Academy of Penal Service of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Ryazan

The article discusses the change of public attitude to crime and criminal behavior in the English social, political and religious journalism of the 18th century. The shift of the punitive paradigm of criminal justice (in which society sought to get rid of criminal elements by means of death penalty or expulsion) predetermined the formation of the national penitentiary system, the main purpose of which was the correction of the criminals and the restoration of their social usefulness. The place and condition for the correction of the offender became a penitentiary, work and religious treatment were declared as the main means of correction.

United Kingdom, 18th century, penal reform, John Howard, the penal correction, the correction of morals
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