Heraldic Blazon in Tournoi de Chauvency, 1285
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Heraldic Blazon in Tournoi de Chauvency, 1285
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Daria Staroskolskaia 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Tournoi de Chauvency is a unique source of 13th c. heraldry as it has a number of advantages over known rolls of arms. The text makes evident the collaboration of a wide range of people altogether working with heraldic information: a herald, a trouvere, a copyist, an illustrator all aware of the blazon. Another big advantage of Tournoi is that the blazons are accompanied by contemporary illustrations. Thus it can be used to verify heraldic information received from other 13th c. sources both textual and illustrative.

heraldry, blazon, arms, roll of arms, tournament, knights, 13th century
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