“Because the Divine Grace Brought Us together”: Saint Basil the Great and Monastic Terminology
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“Because the Divine Grace Brought Us together”: Saint Basil the Great and Monastic Terminology
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Anna Vankova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The main purpose of this article is to analyze the word usage of St. Basil the Great concerning those who have chosen the ascetic path and their associations, as well as his possible motives for selecting a particular way of expression. Basil the Great in his “Rules” didn't want to call those who lived in his communities monks, ascetics and monastics, and the community, fraternities and their own terms. Perhaps Basil rejected all of the actual monastic dictionary, because he didn't want to sharply contrast monks and lay people, but desired to consider his brothers in asceticism merely as consequent Christians.

monasticism, Basilius the Great, μοναχός, ἀσκητής, μονάζων, μοναστήριον, μονή
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