Influence of “Equity Participation” on the Raw-Material Production within the CMEA: the Experience of Polish-Czechoslovak “Copper Agreement”
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Influence of “Equity Participation” on the Raw-Material Production within the CMEA: the Experience of Polish-Czechoslovak “Copper Agreement”
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Aleksei Popov 
Chelyabinsk State University
South Ural State University
Address: Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

The article analyzes the influence of Czechoslovak investments on the development of copper production in Poland in the framework of a “copper agreement” based on the principles of “equity participation”. The process of implementing the Polish-Czechoslovak agreement on copper mining has been reconstructed, based on archival documents and statistical data. The role of foreign investments in the development of the mining sector in a planned economy has been evaluated. Concluded that Czechoslovak capital investments acted as a “catalyst” for copper production in Poland in the 1960s — 1970s. However after the shortage of raw materials was eliminated, mutual supply obligations were included in the general supply plans and ceased to be an important subject of bilateral negotiations. Via concrete example, the basic principles for the implementation of “share participation” projects in the commodity sector are formulated. Archive documents of the Russian and Polish archives, including declassified statistical data on the foreign trade of the CMEA countries, have been introduced into scientific circulation. The article is addressed to historians and economists who deal with the problems of cooperation between socialist countries.

CMEA, equity participation, foreign trade, investments, history of socialist countries, Poland, Czechoslovakia
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Research supported by Russian Scientific Fund (Project №17-78-10070).
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