The Reflection of the Identity of the Soviet State in the School Historical Discourse on the Eve of World War II
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The Reflection of the Identity of the Soviet State in the School Historical Discourse on the Eve of World War II
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Irina Volkova 
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article is devoted to the historical discourse of the second half of the 1930s, aimed at developing a monohistory for the masses. Passed with the guiding participation of the leaders, with the involvement of scientific and pedagogical assets, it reflected a certain turn in understanding the past, present and future of the country. On the basis of various printed and archival documents, the author reconstructs a new approach to history, characterized by a more tolerant attitude to the old bourgeois democracies and a more conciliatory than before attitude to the experience of the Russian Empire. The article concludes that these trends expressed not so much the opportunistic message of rapprochement with potential Western partners in the struggle for collective security, but rather the increase in the level of the Soviet state’s claims on the world stage to superpowers and the readiness to include part of Western countries in its control zone.
historical discourse, the formation of monohistory, conciliatory attitude towards bourgeois democracies
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