1917 in the Vladimir Province: Power, Society, Person
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1917 in the Vladimir Province: Power, Society, Person
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Elena Petrovicheva 
Affiliation: Vladimir State University
Address: Russian Federation, Vladimir

The question of power is the most important in any revolution. Nevertheless, the problems associated with clarifying the nature of power in the provinces, it’s interaction with the center remain insufficiently studied in modern historiography. The author of the given article turned to the study of the complex and very dynamic structure of local bodies operating in 1917, setting the task of clarifying their mutual relations and the attitude of various strata of the population towards them in the dynamics of the developing revolutionary events. The article is based on the materials of one of the typical provinces of the industrial center of Russia — Vladimir region.

local self-government and administration, the public executive committees, zemstvo institutions, councils, society, intelligentsia, the revolution of 1917
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