Political and Diplomatic Documents Concerning Russia, in the Foundation of the Congregation of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs
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Political and Diplomatic Documents Concerning Russia, in the Foundation of the Congregation of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs
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Johan Ickx 
Affiliation: Archives of the Vatican State Secretariat
Address: State of Vatican City
The article provides an overview of documents concerning Russiaб both political and diplomatic, contained in the Historical Archives in the 2nd Section (Section for Relations with Foreign States) of the Vatican State Secretariat (the former Archives of the Congregation for Extraordinary Church Affairs) — from the earliest documents dating back to the 17th century to documents of the late twentieth century. The Congregation for Extraordinary Church Affairs itself arose in 1814 and was aimed at restoring the relationship between the Church and the state in the field of civil law, education, jurisdiction and freedom of the Church, the management of dioceses, negotiations on the appointment of bishops, relations between the clergy and the authorities, not to mention plots, concerning spiritual, dogmatic, moral, disciplinary problems in various European countries. Particular emphasis is placed on documents relating to the period 1917—1939, which is explained, in particular, by the fact that for the period since 1939 the documentation in the Archives of the Vatican is not yet available. The author, however, draws attention to the papers of Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, which are kept in the Spolya Foundation in the Historical Archive of the State Secretariat and are now available to researchers.
Vatican, Russia, political and diplomatic documents, Vatican Historical Archive, the Congregation for Extraordinary Church Affairs
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  1. Archivio storico della II sezione della Segreteria di Stato (già Congregazione per gli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari, dalee — AA.EE.SS.). Russia e Polonia, 1771. Pos. 3 bis. Fasc. 1. F. 16r—43r.
  2. Sezione per i Rapporti con gli Stati della Segreteria di Stato (S.RR.SS). Archivio Storico. AA.EE.SS. (Russia).
  3. S.RR.SS. Archivio Storico. AA.EE.SS. Pont. Comm. Pro Russia.
  4. S.RR.SS. Archivio Storico. AA.EE.SS. Stati Ecclesiastici.


  1. Cerny-Werner R. Vatikanische Ostpolitik und die DDR. Göttingen, 2011.
  2. Fejérdy A. The Vatican “Ostpolitik” 1958—1978, Responsibility and Witness during John XXIII and Paul VI. Roma, 2016.
  3. Feldkamp M. F. La diplomazia pontificia. Ascoli Piceno, 1998. 
  4. Feldkamp Michael F. Geheim und effektiv. Über 1000 Jahre Diplomatie der Päpst. Augsburg, 2010. 
  5. Lavopa M. La diplomazia dei “piccoli passi”. L’Ostpolitik vaticana di Mons. Agostino Casaroli (Collana Extravagantes, 24). Roma, 2013.
  6. Mondrone D., Baragli E. Russia // Enciclopedia Cattolica. Vol. X. Firenze, 1953. Sol. 1460.
  7. Morozzo della Rocca R. Agostino Casaroli and the Popes of the Ostpolitik // The Vatican “Ostpolitik” 1958—1978 // A. Fejérdy. The Vatican “Ostpolitik”. Roma, 2016. 
  8. Morozzo della Rocca R. Tra Est e Ovest, Agostino Casaroli, diplomatico vaticano. Cinisello Balsamo-Milano, 2014.
  9. Pásztor L. La Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari tra il 1814 e il 1850 // Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. 9686. № 1. 
  10. Somorjai Á. L’Ostpolitik Vaticana e l’Archivio Casaroli secondo Lapova // Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique. Louvain, 2015. R. 273—287. 
  11. Vian G. M. Non Chiamatela Ostpolitik // L’Osservatore Romano. 23 gennaio 2016. R. 5.


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