The Price of the Manuscript Paris. gr. 923 (Sacra Parallela) in the Second Half of the 15th Century
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The Price of the Manuscript Paris. gr. 923 (Sacra Parallela) in the Second Half of the 15th Century
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Marina Kurysheva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History of Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The paper presents the interpretation of the Turkish marginalia on the famous Greek manuscript BnF, Grec 923 “Sacra Parallela”. This marginalia is a price label “100 akçe”, which was written in the second half of the XVth century after the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. This means that until this moment the Sacra Parallela manuscript was kept in Constantinople, and after that it was bought for money in someone’s private library and after some time was got at Mount Athos.
Byzantium, Ottoman Turks, Greek manuscript Sacra Parallela, marginalia, market price of a book, akçe
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Lemerle P. Le premier humanisme byzantin. Notes et remarques sur enseignement et culture à Byzance des origines au Xe siècle. P., 1971. 
  2. Malanima P. Pre-Modern European Economy. One Thousand Years (10th — 19th Centuries). Leiden-Boston, 2009. 
  3. Oikonomides N. Writing Materials, Documents, and Books // The Economy History of Byzantium From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century / ed. A. Laiou. Vol. 2. Washington, 2002. P. 589—592.
  4. Pamuk S. A Monetary History of the Ottoman Empire. Cambridge, 2000.
  5. Eremeev D. E., Mejer M. S. Istoriya Turtsii v srednie veka i novoe vremya. M., 1992. 
  6. Kurysheva M. A. Pometa Arseniya Sukhanova v grecheskoj rukopisi Paris. gr. 923 iz Parizhskoj natsional'noj biblioteki // Universitas historiae. Sbornik statej v chest' Pavla Yur'evicha Uvarova. M., 2016. S. 473—477.
  7. Ponomarev A. L. Ehvolyutsiya denezhnykh sistem Prichernomor'ya i Balkan v XIII—XV vv. M., 2011. 
  8. Remez N.V. K voprosu o zakonotvorcheskoj deyatel'nosti osmanskikh sultanov v XV—XVI vv. // Osmanskij mir i osmanistika. Osmanskij mir i osmanistika. Sbornik statej k stoletiyu so dnya rozhdeniya A. S. Tveritinovoj (1910—1973). M., 2010. S. 269—281.
  9. Sorochan E. S. Pischij material i knigi kak predmet rynka v Vizantii IV—X vv. // Vostochnaya Evropa v Drevnosti i Srednevekov'e. XXVIII Chteniya pamyati chlena-korr. AN SSSR V. T. Pashuto. M., 2016. S. 261—265.


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