City Self-Government on the Territory of Armed Forces of South Russia (August — December 1919)
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City Self-Government on the Territory of Armed Forces of South Russia (August — December 1919)
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Vladislav Iakovenko 
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In this article on the example of Kharkov, Odessa, Simferopol and Kiev an attempt to analyze the election and work of city self-government bodies in the territory of the Armed Forces of the South Russia in the period from August to December 1919 is made. The article proves that historiography does not take into account a number of important factors that have influenced the election process and the functioning of self-government bodies. Among these factors are different laws of the work of self-government, depending on the proximity of the city to the front, electoral qualifications and the majority system of the elections, uncertainty of the population about the stability of the White regime, apathy and absenteeism of the voters.

Civil War in Russia, White Movement, armed forces of South Russia, local self-government, cities, dumas, councils
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