The Land Policy of the “White” Authorities in the European North of Russia and Siberia: the Search for a Common Approach
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The Land Policy of the “White” Authorities in the European North of Russia and Siberia: the Search for a Common Approach
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Vasilii Sablin 
Affiliation: Vologda State University
Address: Russian Federation, Vologda

The article discusses the diversity of approaches of the “white” governments of the North of European Russia and Siberia in the solution of the agrarian problem during the Civil war. Analyzed the system measures the “white” power to neutralize the results of the “black redistribution” of land under the influence of the Bolshevik decree “On land”. Explores issues related to the common agricultural course "white" regimes in the Arkhangelsk and Omsk.

European North of Russia, Siberia, agrarian revolution, the peasants, the egalitarian redistribution of land, the land legislation of anti-Bolshevik regimes, egalitarianism
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