Four Norwegian Kings in Old Rus’: On Icelandic Sagas as a Source for the History of Russian-Norwegian Political Relations
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Four Norwegian Kings in Old Rus’: On Icelandic Sagas as a Source for the History of Russian-Norwegian Political Relations
Title (other)
Четыре норвежских конунга на Руси: исландские саги как источник по истории русско-норвежских отношений
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Tatjana Jackson 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Works of Old Norse-Icelandic literature, and sagas in particular, can be used as sources for the history of the Old Russian state. Written down in the late twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, they contain a certain amount of information about historical events and processes that had taken place in Eastern Europe in the ninth to the thirteenth centuries. It is worth mentioning data concerning the stay of four Norwegian kings at the court of Russian princes Vladimir Svjatoslavich and Yaroslav the Wise: namely, Olav Tryggvason in 977—986, Olav Haraldsson in 1029, Magnus Olavsson from 1029 to 1035 and Harald Sigurdarson in the early 1030s and early 1040s. The uniquenessof this information is determined by the fact that the Russian sources are not aware of these facts. Another piece of valuable information preserved in the sagas refers to the matrimonial relations of the Russian princely dynasty with the Scandinavian courts in the eelevnth and the first half of the twelfth centuries. These data demonstrate the breadth of foreign relations of Old Rus’ and its active foreign policy.
Old Rus’, Scandinavia, Norway, Old Norse-Icelandic written sources, sagas, Norwegian kings, matrimonial connections
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Additional sources and materials

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  7. Nazarenko A. V. Zapadnoevropejskie istochniki // Drevnyaya Rus' v svete zarubezhnykh istochnikov / pod red. E. A. Mel'nikovoj. M.: «Logos», 1999. S. 259—407.
  8. NPL — Novgorodskaya pervaya letopis' starshego i mladshego izvodov / pod red. i s predisl. A. N. Nasonova. M.; L.: «Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR», 1950.
  9. Pashuto V. T. Vneshnyaya politika Drevnej Rusi. M.: «Nauka», 1968.
  10. PSRL — Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisej. SPb.; L.; Pg.; M.
  11. Franklin S., Shepard J. The Emergence of Rus: 750—1200. London; New York: “Longman”, 1996.


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