Contradictio in Contrarium. Self-organizing Social Structures through the Eyes of French Absolutism Advocates
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Contradictio in Contrarium. Self-organizing Social Structures through the Eyes of French Absolutism Advocates
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What was the attitude of French absolutism or “new monarchy” (rationally organized and strictly centralized power) advocates towards the legacy of medieval self-organizing and self-regulating structures: corporations, communes, representative institutions? We chose two French authors’ works to answer this question. The first one is Raul Spifame who wrote an unusual project of improvement of the royal legislature (“Dicaearchiae Henrici Regis christianissimi progymnasmata”). The second is his younger contemporary, advocate and well-known erudite-historian Étienne Pasqier. His “The Researches of France” (“Les Recherches de France”) had been repeatedly published since 1560s till early 17th century. Despite serious distinctions between Spifame and Pasqier we can find some common traits in their attitude to traditional self-regulating social and political structures that are situated on the periphery of authors’ interests. They were negative towards some of these structures, for example, assemblies of States, and formally respectful or neutral to others, for example, university corporations. But implicitly both authors are still place self-organizing units of society as its basic structures. Royal administrative bodies are laid over them. In any case Spifame and Pasqier do not suggest any alternative to such units on the low level of administration. So we can consider Spifame and Pasqier’s works as “contradictio in contrarium” for the role of self-organizing structures in life of Western society.
Urban corporations, medieval universities, representative institutions, French absolutism, absolutist political doctrines, historical writing
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Amalou Th. Une Sorbonne régicide? Autorité, zèle et doctrine de la faculté de théologie pendant la Ligue (1588—1593) // Actes du colloque de l’association des historiens modernistes des universités françaises tenu le 23 janvier 2010. Paris, 2013. P. 77—116.
  2. Aufffray J. Vues d’un politique du XVIe siècle sur la législation de son temps, également propres à réformer celle de nos jours. Amsterdam, 1775.
  3. Crevier J.-L.-B. Histoire de l’Université de Paris depuis son origine jusqu’en l’année 1600. Paris, 1761. T. 6.
  4. Defrance E. Histoire de l’éclairage des rues de Paris. Paris, 1904.
  5. Fournier E. Le vieux-neuf: Histoire ancienne des inventions et découvertes modernes. Paris, 1859. T. 2.
  6. Loisel A. Pasquier ou Dialogue des avocats des advocats du Parlement de Paris… avec une introduction et des notes, la suite chronologique des plus notables avocats depuis l’an 1600 / Par M. Dupin. Paris, 1844.
  7. Mathorez J. Un radical-socialiste sous Henri II: Raoul Spifame // Revue politique et parlementaire. 1914. T. 89. P. 538—559.
  8. Nys E. Raoul Spifame. Avocat au parlement de Paris // Revue de droit international et de légistlation comparée. 1890. T. 22. P. 481—519.
  9. Pasquier E. Les Recherches de France. Paris, 1621.
  10. Seyssel C. De la Grande Monarchie de France. Paris, 1519.
  11. Spifame R. Dicaearchiae Henrici Regis christianissimi progimnasmata. Paris, 1556.
  12. Koposov N. E. Ideologi frantsuzskogo absolyutizma o vizantijskoj avtokratii // Vizantijskij vremennik. M., 1984. T. 45. S. 102—120.
  13. Luazel' A. Pask'e, ili Dialog advokatov Parizhskogo parlamenta / per. V. F. i E. Yu. Bukharkovykh // Professiya advokata: Sbornik rabot o frantsuzskoj advokature / sost.: A. V. Polyakov. M., 2006. S. 62—142.
  14. Mikhajlov A. D. Proza vtoroj poloviny XVI v. // Istoriya vsemirnoj literatury. M., 1985. T. 3.
  15. Uvarov P. Yu. «Ordoadvocatorum» v poiskakh svoikh geroev: sochinenie Antuana Luazelya i zabastovka v Parizhskom Parlamente v mae 1602 goda // Srednie veka. Issledovaniya po istorii Srednevekov'ya i rannego Novogo vremeni. M., 2013. Vyp. 74 (3—4). S. 363—389.
  16. Uvarov P. Yu. Kolliziya v Parizhskom universitete 1543 g.: Stsenarij i kommentarii // Srednie veka. M., 2015. Vyp. 76 (1—2). S. 161—190.
  17. Uvarov P. Yu. Universitet — doch' dvukh ottsov? Istoriya kak argument v sude i sredstvo sotsial'noj konsolidatsii (Parizh, 1586) // Lyudi i teksty: Istoricheskij al'manakh. 2013. Istoricheskoe znanie v kontekste knizhnoj kul'tury. M., 2014. S. 183—226.
  18. Tsaturova S. K.«Parlament pri svoem vozniknovenii byl gosudarstvennym sobraniem»: Istoki politicheskikh prityazanij parlamentariev (razmyshleniya o svoeobrazii frantsuzskoj monarkhii) // Srednie veka. M., 2014. Vyp. 75 (3‒4). S. 9‒42.


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