Africans through the Eyes of the Russians in 1904—1905 (Memories, Diaries and Letters of Members of the Second Pacific Squadron)
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Africans through the Eyes of the Russians in 1904—1905 (Memories, Diaries and Letters of Members of the Second Pacific Squadron)
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The author of this report, devoted to one of the key events of Russian-Japanese war of 1904—1905 — the navigation of the Second Pacific squadron from Libava to Tsushima — for the first time considers these events from the point of view of African studies. It’s true that some groups of the squadron and its separate vessels as well turned round the African continent from two different sides and visited modern Angola, Gabon, Djibouti, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, the Republic of South Africa and Madagascar. Many of the Russian seamen (about 12 thousand in 45 ships) wrote letters, cards, diaries, verses, scientific articles during this campaign. Those who survived wrote memoirs. The considerable part of these sources isn’t published. They mainly deal with the description of three phenomena: the nature of Africa, colonial cities and villages, and colonial society (both Africans and Europeans). The introduction of these materials into scientific circulation will considerably enrich our notion of the African history in the period of the end of the colonial division, of Russia-African relations and of the history of African studies in Russia.
naval history, Russian-African relations, mutual perceptions
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Aver'yanov M. G. Dnevnik. Rossijskaya natsional'naya biblioteka. Otdel rukopisej. F. 524. «A. S. Novikov-Priboj». Op. 2. D. 512.
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  4. Vyrubov P. A. Desyat' let iz zhizni russkogo moryaka, pogibshego v Tsusimskom boyu, 1895—1905 gg. Kiev, 1910.
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  6. Dobrovol'skij P., ierom. Vospominaniya korabel'nogo svyaschennika na krejsere «Dmitrij Donskoj» (o russko-yaponskoj vojne). Gosudarstvennyj arkhiv Rossijskoj Federatsii. F. 601. «Nikolaj II». Op. 1. D. 513.
  7. Drozdov N. P., ierom. S ehskadroj do Tsusimy: pis'ma s puti. Vyatka, 1906.
  8. Egor'ev E. R. Vokrug starogo sveta v 1904—1905 gg. Petrograd, 1915.
  9. Istomina (Aleksandrova) S. I. Vospominaniya. Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj arkhiv voenno-morskogo flota. F. 763. «Dnevniki, zametki, zapiski, vyrezki iz gazet o russko-yaponskoj vojne (kollektsiya)». Op. 1. D. 529.
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  11. Klejmenov I. Agrippina s Nusi Be // URL: (Data obrascheniya: 17.01.2016).
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  13. Kravchenko V. S. Cherez tri okeana. Vospominaniya vracha o morskom pokhode v russko-yaponskuyu vojnu 1904—1905 gg. SPb., 2002.
  14. Krechunesko K. N. Sanitarno-gigienicheskie zametki o portakh Djibouti i Hellville // Meditsinskie pribavleniya k Morskomu sborniku. SPb., 1905. № 4. S. 209—222.
  15. Larionov L. V. Pis'ma. Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj arkhiv voenno-morskogo flota. F. 763. «Dnevniki, zametki, zapiski, vyrezki iz gazet o russko-yaponskoj vojne (kollektsiya)». Op. 1. D. 296.
  16. Mordberg L. K. Na krejsere «Admiral Nakhimov» v pokhode i Tsusime // Gangut, nauchno-populyarnyj sbornik statej po istorii flota i sudostroeniya. SPb., 2006. № 38. S. 10—31.
  17. Novikov-Priboj A. S. Tsusima. M., 2001.
  18. Politovskij E. S. Ot Libavy do Tsusimy. Pis'ma k zhene flagmanskogo korabel'nogo inzhenera 2-j tikhookeanskoj ehskadry Evgeniya Sigizmundovicha Politovskogo. SPb., 1908.
  19. Tumanov Ya. K. Michmana na vojne. Praga, 1930.
  20. Shupinskij A. P. Pis'ma. Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj arkhiv voenno-morskogo flota. F. 763. «Dnevniki, zametki, zapiski, vyrezki iz gazet o russko-yaponskoj vojne (kollektsiya)». Op. 1. D. 297.
  21. Monnier Yves. L’Afrique dans l’imaginaire français (fin du XIXe—début du XKhe siècle). L’Harmattan, Paris, Montréal, 1999.
  22. Raimbault Clément, R. P. Lettre à l’Abbé L. Foucher du 20 février 1905 // Archives personnelles de Mme Pascale MOIGNOUX, La Réunion, France.


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