On New Approaches for Applying Formal Mathematical Methods for Studying Medieval Texts
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On New Approaches for Applying Formal Mathematical Methods for Studying Medieval Texts
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In this paper we consider three problems related to studying medieval text. These are problems of knowledge discovery from natural language text, genealogical classification copies (variants of a text) and spatial information retrieval from medieval historical-geographical texts. These problems don’t involve massive homogeneous data that prevents using traditional methods of statistical analysis. To solve those problems we present three approaches related to the Data Mining. So, for the first problem we present an approach based upon A. D. Zakrevskij logic of recognition in space of multi-valued attributes. We consider some set of syntactic transformation for needed data representation as disjunctive matrix. We investigate applicability boundaries of this approach. For the second one we develop an approach based upon applying Fuzzy Theory Sets. An initial data are presented as a matrix of a preference relation. This matrix is formed by certain proximity coefficients. These are formally calculated for each pair of texts. We propose an algorithm of fuzzy classification of texts. To solve the third problem we propose an approach based on space non-metrical logic of D. A. Pospelov. A main idea also lies in using Fuzzy Sets Theory. Each object under a consideration (a term of a text) is assigned a set of values of linguistic variables (such as «distance», «size», «direction»). The inference rules, used in this logic, allows to determine of the values of one linguistic variable through those of another linguistic variable without constructing a membership function. For each of these approaches algorithms are developed and illustrated by concrete examples.
knowledge discovery, conjunctive normal form, disjunctive matrix, logical reasoning, resolution method, predicate logic, skolemization, syntactic transformations, implication, textology, genealogical classification, fuzzy sets, preference relation, fuzzy classification, non-metrical space logic, pseudo-physical logics, representation of space knowledge, inference rules, fuzzy reasoning, linguistic variable, topological scale
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