Additional sources and materials
- Anisimova A. A. Gorozhane i Velikaya khartiya vol'nostej: bytovanie dokumenta v gorodskoj srede v Srednie veka // Srednie veka. M., 2016. Vyp. 77 (1–2). S. 73–88.
- Anisimova A. A. «Pervaya gorodskaya kniga Favershema»: istoriya i kontekst sostavleniya // «Radi blaga goroda»: Gorodskie pravovye sborniki / sost. A. A. Anisimova, G. A. Popova. M., 2014. S. 89–116.
- Anisimova A. A. Pozemel'nye otnosheniya v anglijskom monastyrskom gorode nachala XVI v. // Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. Novaya seriya. Seriya Istoriya. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. 2012. Tom 12 (2). S. 17–22.
- Pervaya gorodskaya kniga Favershema / per. A. A. Anisimovoj // «Radi blaga goroda»: Gorodskie pravovye sborniki / sost. A. A. Anisimova, G. A. Popova. M., 2014. S. 119–234.
- Popova G. A. Kak gorozhane perekhitrili korolya. Iz istorii fuehro Toledo // Pravo v srednevekovom mire. 2008. M., 2008. S. 96–110.
- Beresford M. W., Finberg H. P. R. English Medieval Boroughs: a Hand-List. Newton Abbot, 1973.
- British Borough Charters / ed. by A. Ballard. London, 1913. Vol. 1.
- Cam H. M. The Quo Warranto Proceedings under Edward I // Eadem. Liberties and Communities in Medieval England. New York, 1963.
- Clanchy M. T. From Memory to Written Record, England 1066–1307. Oxford, 2005.
- Custumale Villae de Fordewico // Woodruff Ch. A History of the Town and Port of Fordwich. Canterbury, 1895. P. 233–281.
- Dugdale W. Monasticon Anglicanum. London, 1849. Vol. 4.
- Giraud F. F. Faversham Town Charters // Archaeologia Cantiana. London, 1875. Vol. IX. P. LXII–LXX.
- Hyde P. Thomas Arden in Faversham: the Man Behind the Myth. Faversham, 1996.
- Jacob Ed. History of Faversham. Faversham, 1991. (1774)
- Letters S. Detailed Methodology and Sources // Eadem. Online Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs in England Wales to 1516 [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (Centre for Metropolitan History, Institute of Historical Research: 12 September 2017).
- Martin G. H. The English Borough in the Thirteenth Century // Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th series. 1963. Vol. XIII. P. 123–144.
- Murray K. M. E. Faversham and Cinque Ports // Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. 4th ser. London, 1935. Vol. 18. R. 53–83.
- Palliser D. Town and Village Formation in Medieval England // Idem. Towns and Local Communities in Medieval and Early Modern England. Aldershot, 2006. II. P. 1–24.
- Placitorum in Domo Capitulari Westmonasterensi Asservatorum Abbreviatio. London, 1811.
- Tann P. The Royal Charters of Faversham including the Magna Carta. Faversham, 2013.
- Tatton-Brown T. The Towns of Kent // Anglo-Saxon Towns in Southern England / ed. by J. Haslam. Chichester, 1984. P. 1–36.
- The Calendar of the Patent Rolls. Edward II. London, 1894. Vol. 1. 1307–1313.
- The Common Place-Book of Faversham / ed. by K. M. E. Murray // Archaeologia Cantiana. London, 1936. Vol. 48. P. 91–110;
- The Early Town Books of Faversham c. 1251 to 1581 / ed. by D. Harrington, P. Hyde. Faversham, 2008. Part 1–2.
- The Register of St. Augustine Abbey, Canterbury, Commonly Called the Black Book / ed. G. J. Turner, H. E. Salter. London, 1915. Part 1.
- Trenholm N. M. The English Monastic Towns. Manchester, 1927.
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