Normative Documents as a Source on Actual Practices of a Medieval Town (Based on the Borough Archive of Faversham)
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Normative Documents as a Source on Actual Practices of a Medieval Town (Based on the Borough Archive of Faversham)
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Anna Anisimova 
Affiliation: State Academic University for Humanities. Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article deals with the formation of a collection of normative documents in a medieval town on the example of a small English town of Faversham. During the Middle Ages its inhabitants fought against their seignior – a local abbey – for their autonomy. In addition, this town also was a member of the Corporation of the Cinque Ports. It seems that these circumstances contributed to the production of a significant number of documents. In the borough archive (it is held in Kent History and Library Centre (Maidstone): Fa – Faversham borough records) there are royal charters, a custumal, and town books that represent different levels of the development of local written record. The article analyses the origins and content of these muniments, their correspondence with each other, and also puts forward the issue of a correlation between the information present in the documents and actuality. In addition, it poses several related questions concerning the process of recording the changes in daily practice, the speed and the way it is done, as well as the issues of who is instrumental in bringing it about and who has the authority to sanction these changes. The examination of the charters of Faversham shows that they were meant to establish and protect the rights of the townspeople first against the abbot (their lord) and then against the warden of the Cinque Ports. Similarly, the custumal was focused on the election of urban officials and jurisdiction in town, with a special emphasis on the privileges connected with the membership in the Cinque Ports. Finally, the analysis of the “First town book of Faversham” allows us to see how muniments were later selected in order to create an elaborate compilation. An important issue for any medieval town, such as urban tenure, or burgage, is used to demonstrate the selective nature of the information present in normative documents. The comparison of the norms concerning urban plots, as they are found in these documents, and the information of a detailed rental of 1532 reveals a state of diverging between theory and practice.
medieval town, urban custumal, urban charters, town books, written record, medieval England.
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Anisimova A. A. Gorozhane i Velikaya khartiya vol'nostej: bytovanie dokumenta v gorodskoj srede v Srednie veka // Srednie veka. M., 2016. Vyp. 77 (1–2). S. 73–88.
  2. Anisimova A. A. «Pervaya gorodskaya kniga Favershema»: istoriya i kontekst sostavleniya // «Radi blaga goroda»: Gorodskie pravovye sborniki / sost. A. A. Anisimova, G. A. Popova. M., 2014. S. 89–116.
  3. Anisimova A. A. Pozemel'nye otnosheniya v anglijskom monastyrskom gorode nachala XVI v. // Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. Novaya seriya. Seriya Istoriya. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. 2012. Tom 12 (2). S. 17–22.
  4. Pervaya gorodskaya kniga Favershema / per. A. A. Anisimovoj // «Radi blaga goroda»: Gorodskie pravovye sborniki / sost. A. A. Anisimova, G. A. Popova. M., 2014. S. 119–234.
  5. Popova G. A. Kak gorozhane perekhitrili korolya. Iz istorii fuehro Toledo // Pravo v srednevekovom mire. 2008. M., 2008. S. 96–110.
  6. Beresford M. W., Finberg H. P. R. English Medieval Boroughs: a Hand-List. Newton Abbot, 1973.
  7. British Borough Charters / ed. by A. Ballard. London, 1913. Vol. 1.
  8. Cam H. M. The Quo Warranto Proceedings under Edward I // Eadem. Liberties and Communities in Medieval England. New York, 1963.
  9. Clanchy M. T. From Memory to Written Record, England 1066–1307. Oxford, 2005.
  10. Custumale Villae de Fordewico // Woodruff Ch. A History of the Town and Port of Fordwich. Canterbury, 1895. P. 233–281.
  11. Dugdale W. Monasticon Anglicanum. London, 1849. Vol. 4.
  12. Giraud F. F. Faversham Town Charters // Archaeologia Cantiana. London, 1875. Vol. IX. P. LXII–LXX.
  13. Hyde P. Thomas Arden in Faversham: the Man Behind the Myth. Faversham, 1996.
  14. Jacob Ed. History of Faversham. Faversham, 1991. (1774)
  15. Letters S. Detailed Methodology and Sources // Eadem. Online Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs in England Wales to 1516 [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (Centre for Metropolitan History, Institute of Historical Research: 12 September 2017).
  16. Martin G. H. The English Borough in the Thirteenth Century // Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th series. 1963. Vol. XIII. P. 123–144.
  17. Murray K. M. E. Faversham and Cinque Ports // Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. 4th ser. London, 1935. Vol. 18. R. 53–83.
  18. Palliser D. Town and Village Formation in Medieval England // Idem. Towns and Local Communities in Medieval and Early Modern England. Aldershot, 2006. II. P. 1–24.
  19. Placitorum in Domo Capitulari Westmonasterensi Asservatorum Abbreviatio. London, 1811.
  20. Tann P. The Royal Charters of Faversham including the Magna Carta. Faversham, 2013.
  21. Tatton-Brown T. The Towns of Kent // Anglo-Saxon Towns in Southern England / ed. by J. Haslam. Chichester, 1984. P. 1–36.
  22. The Calendar of the Patent Rolls. Edward II. London, 1894. Vol. 1. 1307–1313.
  23. The Common Place-Book of Faversham / ed. by K. M. E. Murray // Archaeologia Cantiana. London, 1936. Vol. 48. P. 91–110;
  24. The Early Town Books of Faversham c. 1251 to 1581 / ed. by D. Harrington, P. Hyde. Faversham, 2008. Part 1–2.
  25. The Register of St. Augustine Abbey, Canterbury, Commonly Called the Black Book / ed. G. J. Turner, H. E. Salter. London, 1915. Part 1.
  26. Trenholm N. M. The English Monastic Towns. Manchester, 1927.


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