Problems of Formation of Historical Memory in Works of French Historian Mark Ferro
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Problems of Formation of Historical Memory in Works of French Historian Mark Ferro
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Article is devoted a problem of historical memory in works of French historian Mark Ferro. In article the state-of-the-art review of its works on the given theme is given. It is ascertained, that the official version of history itself stimulates the historian to its critical perception, that an essence of work of the historian — rationalization of memory which is formed as mythology. Perception of historical experience depends on the individual experience of a man. The author examines the individual memory and the collective one and its role in the formation of collective consciousness. The article deals with the peculiarities of historical memory. The author demonstrates the relativism of historical truth. The author points out the features of historical notions. In the article the influence of the historical knowledge is considered.
historical memory, symbolical forms of history, perception of historical experience, the control over history, national identity
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Additional sources and materials

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  6. Ferro M. Nikolaj II. M., 1991.
  7. Angelika Schindler ARTE Deutschland TV. 20.07.2004.
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  9. Dosse F. L’Empire du sens: L’humanisation des sciences humaines. Paris, 1995, 1997.; Ferro M. Les individus face aux crises du XXe siècle-L'Histoire anonyme. Paris, 2005.
  10. Ferro M. Histoire de France. Paris, 2001.
  11. Ferro M. Les tabous de l’Histoire. Paris, 2002.
  12. Ferro M. L'histoire sous surveillance. Science et conscience de I'histoire. Paris, 1994.
  13. Ferro M. «de Braudel à Histoire parallèle » (entretien par François Garçon et Pierre Sorlin), in «Cinéma et Histoire autour de Marc Ferro », François Garcon, Cinémaction. Editions Corlet Télérama. 1992.
  14. Ferro M. The fiction film and historical analysis. In: Smith, P. (Hg.): The Historian and Film. Cambridge, 1976.
  15. Ferro M. Les individus face aux crises du XXe siècle-L'Histoire anonyme. P., 2005.
  16. Lagny M. Histoire et cinéma, des amours difficiles / CinémAction, 47.
  17. Le Goff J. History and Memory. New York, 1992.


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