Annalistic Source of the Historical Notes in the Margins of an Easter Table in MS. RGB. 304.I.762 (the 15th Сentury)
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Annalistic Source of the Historical Notes in the Margins of an Easter Table in MS. RGB. 304.I.762 (the 15th Сentury)
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A 15th century Rus manuscript, RGB. 304.I.762, contains on f. 245r—254v an Easter table (a list of years from 1450 to 1492 in which dates of Easter and other church festivals are indicated). In the margins of this list there are approximately 50 annalistic notes on political, military, ecclesiastical, and natural events from 1449 to 1490. The authors analyze them in comparison with the Rus chronicles of the period. The main question raised in this article is the origin of the notes: were they original or taken from a bigger chronicle? It seems that many of the notes were original (or at least give original in-formation and even dates in comparison with the surviving chronicles), but we can also trace the usage of the official princely chronicle of Moscow.
Old Rus, source studies, chronicles, Easter tables, annalistic notes in Easter tables, the Trinity monastery
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Belyakova E. V. Slavyanskaya redaktsiya Skitskogo ustava // Drevnyaya Rus': Voprosy medievistiki. M., 2002. № 1 (7).
  2. Gimon T. V. Istoriopisanie rannesrednevekovoj Anglii i Drevnej Rusi: Sravnitel'noe issledovanie. M., 2012.
  3. Gimon T. V., Orlova-Gimon L. M. Letopisnyj istochnik istoricheskikh zapisej na paskhalii v rukopisi RGB. 304.I.762 (XV v.) // Istochnikovedcheskie issledovaniya. M., 2014. Vyp. 6.
  4. Illarij, Arsenij. Opisanie slavyanskikh rukopisej biblioteki Svyato-Troitskoj Sergievoj lavry. M., 1879.
  5. Kashtanov S. M. Issledovanie o moldavskoj gramote XV veka. M., 2012.
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  7. Kloss B. M. Predislovie k izdaniyu 2004 g. // PSRL. T. 25.
  8. Kloss B.M., Nazarov V. D. Rasskazy o likvidatsii ordynskogo iga na Rusi v letopisanii kontsa XV v. // Drevnerusskoe iskusstvo XIV—XV vv. M., 1984.
  9. Leonid (Kavelin), arkhim. Pamyatnye zapisi pyatnadtsatogo veka // Russkij arkhiv. SPb., 1894. Kn. 2, vyp. 6.
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  12. Lur'e Ya. S. Obscherusskie letopisi XIV—XV vv. L., 1976.
  13. Lur'e Ya. S. Dve istorii Rusi XV veka: Rannie i pozdnie, nezavisimye i ofitsial'nye letopisi ob obrazovanii Moskovskogo gosudarstva. SPb., 1994.
  14. Novikova O. L. Likhachyovskij «Letopisets ot 72 kh yazyk»: K istorii sozdaniya i bytovaniya // Letopisi i khroniki: Novye issledovaniya, 2009—2010. M.; SPb., 2010.
  15. Romanova A. A Drevnerusskie kalendarno-khronologicheskie istochniki XV—XVII vv. SPb., 2002.
  16. Romanova A. A. Ehskhatologicheskie ozhidaniya v XV v. i zapisi v paskhalii // Rossijskoe gosudarstvo v XIV—XVII vv. SPb., 2002.
  17. Briquet C. M. Les filigranes: Dictionnaire historique des Marques du papier, dès leur apparation vers 1282 jusqu’en 1600. Leipzig, 1923. T. 1.


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