«The Organizations of the Seven Day Adventists are not Members of the International Union of SDA...». From the History of the Formation of the Organizational Structure of Seven Day Adventists in the USSR during the Cold War
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«The Organizations of the Seven Day Adventists are not Members of the International Union of SDA...». From the History of the Formation of the Organizational Structure of Seven Day Adventists in the USSR during the Cold War
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The paper is dedicated to the analysis of the archival documents, which show the directions of interference of Soviet officials into the process of organized formation among Seven Day Adventists in the Soviet Union during the 1960—1980's. The process of limiting the activity of the marginal «sect», in terms of Soviet authorities, acquired a particular meaning within the foreign policy, because of the Adventists’ attempts to make references to the Code that was approved by the General Assembly of the SDA in the USA. Simultaneously the dialogue between the Soviet authorities and Adventists inside the country drastically changed because of the appearance of one more participant — the representatives of the General Assembly of SDA who started to visit the USSR since 1971 with a goal to work out the strategy of cooperating with the authorities to legalize the organizational structure of SDA in the USSR.
Church-state relations in the USSR, religion in the USSR, Seven Day Adventists in Russia, history of protestantism in the USSR, the acitivity of the Council for Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the statutes of religious organisations.
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Additional sources and materials

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  5. Goncharov O. Yu. Tserkov' khristian adventistov sed'mogo dnya v Rossii: istoriya, ehvolyutsiya vzaimootnoshenij s gosudarstvom (KhIKh—KhKh vv.) // Svoboda sovesti v Rossii: istoricheskij i sovremennyj aspekty. Vyp. 3. Sbornik statej. M,. 2006.
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