How did the fortress Kazikermen look in 1695?
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How did the fortress Kazikermen look in 1695?
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The article deals with the reconstruction of the appearance of the Turkish fortress Kazikermen, which was captured by allied armies of hetman Mazepa and boyar and voevode Sheremetev in 1695. The reconstruction is based on various types of written evidence and graphic information (maps, drawings and engravings of the Ukrainian masters of the late 17th century) as the closest to historical description. These information can be used for the further analysis and reconstruction of a siege and assault of the Turkish fortress Kazikermen during the first Azov-Dnieper campaign in 1695.
history of the Ukraine, the first Azov-Dnieper campaign in 1695, siege of the fortress Kazikermen, ukrainian engravings and cards
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Velichko S. Letopis' sobytij v Yugo-Zapadnoj Rossii v XVII veke. Kiev, 1855. T. 3.
  2. Dyadichenko V. І. Uchast' ukraїns'kikh kozats'kikh polkіv v Azovo-Dnіprov'skikh pokhodakh 1695—1696 rr. // Naukovі zapiski Іnstitutu іstorії Ukraїni AN URSR. Kiїv 1952. T. 4.
  3. Zaruba V. N. Ukraїns'ke kozats'ke vіjs'ko v rosіjs'ko-turets'kikh vіjnakh ostann'oї chvertі XVII stolіttya. Dnіpropetrovs'k, 2003.
  4. Іstorіya mіst і sіl Ukraїns'koї RSR. Khersons'ka oblast'. Kiїv, 1971.
  5. Lenchenko V. A. Rukopisni plani mist i fortets' Pivdennoї Ukraїni ta Krimu XVII-XVIII stolit'. // Ukraїns'kij arkheografіchnij schorіchnik. Vip. 10/11. Kiїv, 2006.
  6. Lipa K. A. Pіd zakhistom murіv: fortetsі ta zamki Ukraїni. Kiїv, 2007.
  7. Podrobnyj slovar' russkikh graverov XVI—XIX vv. / sost. D. A. Rovinskij. M., 2004.
  8. Pshik V. Ukrіplenі mіsta, zamki, oboronnі dvori ta іnkastep'ovanі sakral'nі sporudi L'vіvschini XIII—XVIII st. (Katalog-іnformator). L'viv, 2008.
  9. Radishevskij R., Sverbiguz V. Іvan Mazepa v sarmats'ko-roksolans'komu vimіrі visokogo baroko. Kiїv, 2006.
  10. Stepovik D. V. Ukraїns'ka gravyura baroko. Kiїv, 2013.
  11. Tsarskij M. Spisok s otpiski k gosudaryam tsaryam i velikim knyaz'yam vseya Rusi Ioannu Alekseevichu i Petru Alekseevichu Boyarina Borisa Sheremeteva o vzyatii i razorenii goroda Kazykermenya // Zapiski Odesskogo obschestva istorii i drevnostej. Odessa, 1853. T. 3.
  12. Ehvliya Chelebi. Kniga puteshestviya: (Izvlecheniya iz sochineniya turetskogo puteshestvennika XVII veka): Perevod i kommentarii. Vyp. 1: Zemli Moldavii i Ukrainy. M., 1961.
  13. Terlecki P. Sława heroicznych dzieł... Borysa Petrowicza Szeremety... Chernіgіv, 1695.


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