Russian-Ukrainian Emigrants Baptists and Evangelicals Christians in the United States and Canada, 1916—1922: Problems of Identity and Relationship with the Russian Co-Religionists
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Russian-Ukrainian Emigrants Baptists and Evangelicals Christians in the United States and Canada, 1916—1922: Problems of Identity and Relationship with the Russian Co-Religionists
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This article discusses the identity of community Russian-Ukrainian baptists and evangelicals christians in the United States and Canada by analyzing the perceptions of the American way of life and religious experience and relationships with co-religionists who remained in Russia. The study was conducted based on the analysis of publications confessional press edition of which Russian-Ukrainian Baptists began in the USA in 1916. In the period before the 1922 publication reflects the active cooperation of Baptists in Russia, the USA and Canada, its main destinations.
Russian-Ukrainian Baptists, Evangelicals Christians, immigration, identity, ethno-confessional community, Revolution, Civil War, I World War, famine relief, evangelization, mission
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  3. Bukin B. V. Buffalo // Blagovestnik. 1921. Avgust. № 10.
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