The Difficulties of Adaptation of the Moscow Patriarchy to the Soviet Power in the 1920s
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The Difficulties of Adaptation of the Moscow Patriarchy to the Soviet Power in the 1920s
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The paper is concerned with the processes in the government of the Russian Orthodox Church in the conditions of the strong anti-church policy of the Soviet State. The Patriarchy of Moscow (which was headed consecutively by Patriarch Tikhon [Belavin], Metropolitans Petr [Polyansky] and Sergy [Stragorodsky]) declared its civil loyalty and political indifference, but the Soviet Power was not satisfied with that. A virtual rejection of the principle of political indifference, undertaken by Metropolitan Sergy in 1927, helped to stabilize temporarily the position of the church, but provoked significant troubles inside it.
the Russian Orthodox Church, church government, church splits, legalization, the O.G.P.U.
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Akty Svyatejshego Tikhona, Patriarkha Moskovskogo i vseya Rossii, pozdnejshie dokumenty i perepiska o kanonicheskom preemstve vysshej tserkovnoj vlasti, 1917—1943 / Sost. M. E. Gubonin. M., 1994.
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  7. Mazyrin A. V., svyasch. Problema legalizatsii Pravoslavnoj Tserkvi v SSSR v seredine 1920-kh gg. // Rossijskaya istoriya. 2012. № 3.
  8. Patriarshee upravlenie i OGPU (1923—1924 gg.): Vyderzhka iz pis'ma A. D. Samarina deyatelyam Zarubezhnoj Tserkvi s izlozheniem sobytij tserkovnoj zhizni v Rossii / Vstup. st., publ. i primech. O. V. Kosik // Vestnik PSTGU. II. 2010. Vyp. 4 (37).
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  11. Safonov D. V. V poslednie gody zhizni Patriarkha Tikhona protiv nego gotovilsya novyj sudebnyj protsess // Tserkov' v istorii Rossii. Sbornik 6. M., 2005.
  12. Sledstvennoe delo Patriarkha Tikhona: Sb. dok. po materialam TsA FSB RF. M., 2000.
  13. Shershneva-Tsitul'skaya I. A. Pravovoj status Russkoj pravoslavnoj tserkvi v Rossijskom gosudarstve (1905—1945 gg.). M., 2011.


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