The Russian Diplomats' Reports and the United States of Belgium, 1789—1790's: Revolutionary Political Discourses in the Diplomatic Correspondence
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The Russian Diplomats' Reports and the United States of Belgium, 1789—1790's: Revolutionary Political Discourses in the Diplomatic Correspondence
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The purpose of this research is to consider the features of the language in the Russian diplomats’ reports, covering the Brabant Revolution of 1789 in the Austrian Netherlands. Different types of the Belgian society’s political discourses and its political culture, as well as the diplomats’ personal views are analyzed to find out the mechanisms of the diplomatic language’s generation in the correspondence. The conceptual systems, articulating the new political and social reality, influence the rapport’s language through the revolutionary discourses, adopted and subjectively reinterpreted by the diplomats.
United States of Belgium, diplomatic correspondence, political discourses
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Arkhivnye istochniki

  1. Arkhiv vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj imperii Istoriko-dokumental'nogo departamenta MID RF (AVPRI). F. 32: Snosheniya Rossii s Avstriej. Op. 32/6. D. 733, 738, 748, 1223, 1224, 1226, 1227, 1228, 1230.
  2. Tam zhe: F. 50: Snosheniya Rossii s Gollandiej. Op. 50/6. D. 327, 328, 333, 337.
  3. Tam zhe: F. 74: Snosheniya Rossii s Prussiej. Op. 74/6. D. 363, 368.
  4. Tam zhe: F. Departament lichnogo sostava i khozyajstvennykh del (DLS i KhD). Op. 464. D. 3363.

Opublikovannye istochniki

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  2. Archduke Joseph II. Political Daydreams (Rêveries politiques) 1763 // German history in documents and images. Vol. 2.
  3. Flugschrifften zur Brabanter und Lütticher Revolution / Digitale Sammlung Alff der Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln //
  4. Gachard L. P. Documentspolitiques et diplomatiques sur la revolution belge de 1790. Bruxelles, 1834.
  5. Joseph II., Leopold II. Und Kaunitz. Ihr Briefwechsel / von A. Beer. Wien, 1873.
  6. Lettres écrites par les souverains des Pays-Bas aux États de ces provinces / ed. par L. Gachard. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1851.
  7. Van den Spiegel L. P. J. Résumé des négociations, qui accompagnèrent la Révolution des Pays-Bas Autrichiens. Amsterdam, 1841.


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  2. Namazova A. S. Brabantskaya revolyutsiya 1787—1790 gg. v Avstrijskikh Niderlandakh // Novaya i Novejshaya istoriya. M., 2001. №6.
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  4. Bernstein S. L’historien et la culture politique // Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire. Paris, 1992. № 35 (juillet-septembre).
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  6. Polasky J. Revolution in Brussels, 1787—1793. Brussels, 1987.
  7. Tassier S. Les démocrates belges de 1789. Hayez, 1989.
  8. Van der Mersch F-M. La Révolution belgique. Bruxelles, 2000.


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