The Image of the “Other” and the Problem of Self-Identity in “The Memories of the Janissary” (by Konstantin Mihajlovic of Ostrovica)
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The Image of the “Other” and the Problem of Self-Identity in “The Memories of the Janissary” (by Konstantin Mihajlovic of Ostrovica)
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The paper deals with the issue of inter-religious and inter-ethnic relations in the late Middle Ages on the basis of the Slavonic source “The Memories of the Janissary” by Konstantin Mihajlovic of Ostrovica (the early 16th century), with a special attention to the aspect of self-identification of the author by distinguishing the main characteristic of the “other”. The description of the Muslim Ottoman society in the source allows finding out the common elements that are specific also for Western, or Byzantine, or medieval Slavic sources in representing different ethnic or religious traditions as “other”.
ottoman society, muslim traditions, janissary, “other”, self-identification
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