The Records of the Orthodox Parish of the Russian Empire in the Late 19th — Early 20th Century: Social Aspect
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The Records of the Orthodox Parish of the Russian Empire in the Late 19th — Early 20th Century: Social Aspect
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The article is devoted to the aspects of the paperwork of Orthodox parish in the Russian Empire in the late 19th and the early 20th century. It is shown that the parish clergy was responsible for the maintenance of a large amount of record keeping for the Department of Orthodox confession of the Ober-Procurature. They were responsible for the acts of civil status of the Orthodox population of the Empire, they had to verify their legitimacy and provide certificates to individuals and institutions as well as keeping records for parish economy. Many of these duties had the extrareligional character and were the result of the utilitarian approach of the Imperial state to the entire Orthodox Church and the parish in particular. The respective obligations of a priest were a cause of a variety of conflicts between him and the parishioners and, in the end, there was a cause of deep crisis in relations between the parishioners and pastors.
history of Russia in the late XIX — early XX centuries, history of the Russian Orthodox Church, pre-conciliar discussion, the reform of the Orthodox parish, parish records, lists of clergy, the marriage records, confession lists, credit and debit books, civil status acts, parish fees, parish economy
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Beglov A. L. Pravoslavnyj prikhod Rossijskoj imperii kak ob'ekt fiskal'noj politiki svetskikh i tserkovnykh vlastej v kontse XIX — nachale KhKh vv. // Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seriya «Istoriya. Istoriya Russkoj Pravoslavnoj Tserkvi». 2014 (v pechati).
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  3. Vert P. Pravoslavie, inoslavie, inoverie: Ocherki po istorii religioznogo raznoobraziya Rossijskoj imperii. M., 2012.
  4. Gilyarov-Platonov N. P. Iz perezhitogo. Avtobiograficheskie vospominaniya. T. 1—2. SPb., 2009.
  5. Ivantsov-Platonov A. M., prot. O russkom tserkovnom upravlenii. Dvenadtsat' statej iz № 1—16 gazety «Rus'» 1882 goda. SPb., 1898.
  6. Mikhail, arkhim. Pobory s tserkvej // Tserkovnyj vestnik, izdavaemyj pri Sankt-Peterburgskoj dukhovnoj akademii. 1905. № 21. 26 maya. S. 652—654.
  7. Mneniya Podol'skogo eparkhial'nogo s'ezda 1905 g. po voprosam o neobkhodimykh reformakh v tserkovno-prikhodskoj zhizni voobsche i Podol'skoj eparkhii v chastnosti // Pribavleniya k «Tserkovnym vedomostyam». 1905. № 49. 3 dekabrya. S. 2121—2129.
  8. Neudovletvoritel'nost' pasportnoj sistemy kak odna iz glavnykh prichin nenormal'nogo otnosheniya miryan k dukhovenstvu // Rukovodstvo dlya sel'skikh pastyrej. 1887. № 30. S. 433—439.
  9. Pastyrskie besedy preosvyaschennogo Stefana episkopa Mogilevskogo s ottsami blagochinnymi Mogilevskoj eparkhii, s ottsami deputatami Mogilevskoj eparkhii // Pribavleniya k «Tserkovnym vedomostyam». 1905. № 34. 20 avgusta. S. 1432—1437.
  10. Pestryakov V., svyasch. Neskol'ko slov o tserkovnom pis'movodstve // Rukovodstvo dlya sel'skikh pastyrej. 1905. № 26. S. 221—226.
  11. Sirotkin N. E., svyasch. Dlya rukovodstva svyaschenno-tserkovno-sluzhitelej prakticheskie ukazaniya ili tabel', kogda, o chem i na kakom osnovanii dolzhny byt' predstavlyaemy tserkovnymi prichtami raznye svedeniya, doneseniya, otchety, denezhnye vznosy i sbory. M., 1897.
  12. Chizhevskij Ioann, prot. Tserkovnoe pis'movodstvo. Sobranie pravil, postanovlenij i form k pravil'nomu vedeniyu onago. Khar'kov, 1881.


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