The Unstudied Issues in the History of Russian America: on the Question about the Activity of the Priest Frumenty Mordovsky in Kodiak Parish in the 1820's
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The Unstudied Issues in the History of Russian America: on the Question about the Activity of the Priest Frumenty Mordovsky in Kodiak Parish in the 1820's
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The article is devoted to one of the unstudied issues in the history of Russian America: the activity of the priest Frumenty Mordovsky on Kodiak parish in the 20s of the XIX-th century. The author focused his attention on the interaction of the priest and the monk German, one of the most revered Saints in Alaska. The case with the priest Frumenty Mordovsky demonstrated the importance attention of government to the development of the Orthodox Church in Alaska. This subsequently led to greater interaction of the main Board of the Russian-American company and the Synod on the issue of the colonization of new lands in the North Pacific ocean. All this was in conformity with the Highest Approval and helped perpetuate colonized lands for Russia. The article is based on the interdisciplinary approach.
Russian America, Russian-American company, missionaries
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Additional sources and materials

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