The Autograph of the Melodist of the Great Church Gregory Aliat (15th century, GIM, Vlad. 335 / Sin. Grech. 391)
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The Autograph of the Melodist of the Great Church Gregory Aliat (15th century, GIM, Vlad. 335 / Sin. Grech. 391)
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This paper presents the identification of the earliest autograph of the melodist of the Great Church Gregory Aliat, who lived in the 15th century in Byzantium. This identified Aliat’s autograph from the State Historical Museum in Moscow, according to the features of handwriting, style and manner of writing reflects the first stage of formation of Aliat’s handwriting, his dependence on the first elder scriber as his proto-calligrapher, but at the same time shows us his own individual characteristics. Apparently, having a remarkable handwriting, he for many years earned money the copying of books. Moscow autograph gives the opportunity to see an early stage of his activity as a copyist of manuscripts, who had an outstanding handwriting; the forms of his signatures show his multi-talented creative nature.
Greek paleography, Greek manuscript, the identification of handwriting, dynamical stereotype, Byzantium
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Additional sources and materials

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  11. Stankoviћ R. Filigranoloshki opis i album grchkikh rukopisa XV–XIX veka TSentra za Slovensko-vizantijska prouchavaњa «prof. Ivan Dujchev». Sofija, 2006.
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