Whether the Pecheneg Allies of Byzantines Were the «Christ-loving Host»?
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Whether the Pecheneg Allies of Byzantines Were the «Christ-loving Host»?
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The paper presents the analyses of the Byzantine tradition about the baptism of Pecheneg’s chiefs Kegen and Tyrach together with their entourage by emperor Constantine IX Monomachus at the end of the 1040’s (John Mauropodes, Michael Psellus, Michael Attaliates, John Scylitzas). These messages are widely used as an important source on a history of Byzantine mission, in particular for revealing the features of the Christianization of Turkic nomads, the image of «barbarians» in byzantine literature and so on. The author examines the Pecheneg conversion to Christianity from a military-political standpoint, and concludes that byzantine baptism of the northern nomads was intended to their integration in the byzantine «Christ-loving host» as allies of the Empire. Of all proofs in support of this assumption, the most convincing is based on the permanent military context accompanying the Christianization of Pechenegs in byzantine literature.
Byzantium, byzantine missionary work, byzantine literature, John Scylitzas, Pechenegs, Christianization of Pechenegs
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