The Online Archive “Social Sciences”


Under the project for establishing of online archives of scientific materials, implemented by GAUGN in 2020 with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, two thematic groups were formed in the areas of scientific research: “Social Sciences” and “International Relations and Historical and Philological Sciences”.

The concept of the project involves the creation of an extensive database of monographs, materials of scientific conferences, including video recordings of lectures and reports. Collections of issues of scientific journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences should become the core of the online archives. So, the direction “Social Sciences” covers the widest range of areas of scientific knowledge and includes issues of such well-known journals with a long history, such as “State and Law” (ISL RAS) “Psychological Journal” (IP RAS), “Sociological Research” (FCTAS RAS), “Economics and Mathematical Methods” (CEMI RAS) and many others. In addition, in the online archive in the direction of “Social Sciences” there are also new academic publications that combine scientific and educational components: “Polylogos” (Faculty of Political Science GAUGN), “Transcendental Journal” (Faculty of Philosophy GAUGN).

In this regard, it is important to note the high scientific, practical, cultural and educational value of creating a system of open access online archives, since their use in schools and universities will contribute to the further development of the integration of science and education by actively introducing the latest achievements of scientific thought into educational activities.

Boris Yablokov