The new scientific journal “Vostochniy Kurier” (“The Eastern Courier”) is founded


Spring of this year promises a new addition to the journal family of the State Academic University of Humanities (GAUGN): the Oriental Department launches the scientific journal “Vostochniy Kurier”, designed to become a new-generation journal — colorful, fascinating and fully meeting the requirements for modern scientific periodicals.

One of the main areas of work of this periodical will be the disciplines related to the “practical oriental studies”, which has unfairly faded into the background of the academic science of the East. ““Vostochniy Kurier” includes expeditions, scientific journeys, field research, as well as a wide range of political and cultural materialы. This many-sided approach will show readers — scientists, students and undergraduate students — the face of the East, visualize its history, voice its language, and allow them to plunge into cultural phenomena and admire the Oriental art.

The first issue of “VK” is being prepared for release in April — May 2019. The journal is looking to cooperate with Orientalists — historians, archeologists, political scientists, cultural scientists, economists, art historians and philologists (