On April 3, 2019, the 10th International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists “CLIO” which is annually held by the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI), was opened. The central theme of the conference, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Comintern, was the history of the formation and development of left-wing ideologies, movements and organizations. The plenary meeting was opened by A. K. Sorokin, the director of the RGASPI, who addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech, after which the executive director of “Fatherland Foundation” K. I. Mogilevsky, the rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities A. B. Bezborodov took the floor. The State Academic University of the Humanities (GAUGN), co-organizer of “СLIO-2019”, was represented by the First Vice-Rector of GAUGN N. V. Promyslov. The information partner of the conference is the Electronic Science and Educational Journal “ISTORIYA”. The conference program can be found on the RGASPI website, as well as on its official page in Vkontakte social network.

The conference program can be found on the RGASPI website, as well as on its official page in Vkontakte social network.