Issue 5 (103)
The Eastern Christian World and the World of Islam in the Eurasian Space: Politics, Religion, Culture
Volume: 12
Publication date: 21.06.2021
1000 RUB / 10.0 SU


Part I. East Christian World in Medieval and Modern Period (ed. by Nadezhda Chesnokova, Oleg Rodionov, Rikardo Iglesias-Alonso)


This part of the issue contains researches of various aspects of policy, confessional history and culture of the Orthodoxs Christians in Russia, the Balkans and East Mediterranean. The history of Byzantium is represented in articles by A. B. Vankova on the development of the newly created monk terminology and determination of monkhood status and by D. A. Korobeinikov “Byzantine Legacy of the Sublime Porte: The Title of Caesar of Rome (Kayser-I Rum) in Ottoman Political Tradition”. A. Mainardi dedicated his work to the comprehension of the Council of Florence (1438—1439) in Russian historiography and theological studies of the 19th — 20th centuries. R. F. Iglesias studied the authenticity of hagiographical messages on the existence of the position of baskak in Borovsk and other Russian cities. The history of Greek-Russian connections of the 16th — 17th centuries by M. A. Makhanko (on veneration of saint emperors and empresses of Byzantium in Muscovy), T. A. Oparina (dedicated to studying the destinies of immigrants who came to Russia from the Ottoman Empire during the period from 1615 to 1619) and N. P. Chesnokova (“Constantinople Barmas of Tsar Aleksey Mikhaylovich” containing information on the craftsman who created this royal regalia). The little-known pages of Russian support of the Arab national movement (Syria and Lebanon) during the last decades of the 19th century are analyzed in the article by L. A. Gerd.

A separate block of articles deals with Russian and Greek written traditions. Its subject is wide and various: from studying the attempts to create Russian minuscule in the 14th century (E. V. Ukhanova) to examination of formation of hymnography dedicated to Saint John the Russian in Greek, Russian and Turkish-language literature of the 19th century (T. S. Borisova). This block also includes the analysis of on the oldest manuscripts containing the theological chapters by Kallistos Angelikoudes, the representative of late Byzantine hesychasm (O. A. Rodionov), the history of manuscripts with the text of the Letter to Boyar Streshnev from Paisios Ligarides, the Metropolitan of Gaza (S. K. Sevastianova), and the reconstruction of the Russian prototype of the Greek Life of Metrophanes of Voronezh (18th century) found in the archive and library of the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos and introduced into scientific circulation by the author of the article (M. V. Bibikov).

The works of the art historians study both separate artistic monuments, like the newly discovered icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God, with miraculous icons of the Mother of God of the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries (E. M. Saenkova), and numerous Russian icons, books and personal righteousness items kept in museums, church and monastery collections in the Balkans and East Mediterranean (Yu. Boicheva). The authors from Russia, the USA, Greece and Italy paid specific attention to study of the documents, manuscripts and art monuments from the archives and museum collections.

Part II. Islam within the Eurasian Space (ed. by Evgeniya Prusskaya, Evgeniy Osipov, Maksim Yakovlev)


This part of the issue deals with the various aspects of existence of Islam within the Eurasian space from medieval times to today.

The researchers from Central Asian region, whose states are the members of CIS, presented the works related to this history of expansion and adaptation of Islam and Muslim tradition within the territories of their countries in wide chronological, ethno-national and territorial context (S. U. Diushenbiev, B. G. Aiagan, M. S. Kalieva and A. B. Satanov). Another articles dedicated to the history of the Central Asian region deal with the activity of M. Behbudiy (T. V. Kotiukova) and Baron A. A. Cherkasov (O. A. Makhmudov), whose scientific, enlightening and social activity mostly remained unseen behind their more famous contemporaries.

A separate block of articles deals with the ideas and political concepts of the Islamic world. The research of S. A. Kirillina, A. L. Safronova and V. V. Orlov is dedicated to the destiny of the scholar Abul A’la Maududi and his heritage which went far beyond the limits of Southern Asia and influenced the ideological currents in the Islamic world. The ideological heritage of late Ottoman Islamic traditionalist thinkers related to political strategy of the Sultan Abdul Hamid II is examined in the article by D. R. Zhantiev. The interdisciplinary article (at the intersection of history and literature) by A. N. Ardashnikova and T. A. Koniashkina is focused on the concepts of development of Iran in the first quarter of the 20th century and on the instruments of propaganda of that time.

Another block of articles is dedicated to the issue of expansion and modern condition of Islam in France. E. A. Prusskaya examines the turn of France to Islam in the end of the 18th and during the first half of the 19th centuries which was expressed in the interest to this religion, studying it and first political steps towards it. The article by N. N. Diakov provides the review of the role of Islam in colonial policy of France from its very origins to the proclamation of the Fifth Republic. The article by D. V. Shmelev is dedicated to the main reasons, stages, geography and challenges of Muslim immigration to France during the 20th century (from a small number of immigrants before World War I to mass immigration during the 1960s — 1970s). More specific issues are studied in the articles by P. P. Timofeev and E. A. Osipov. The first researches the challenges of structural organization of Muslim community in France, examining the activity of the French Council of the Muslim cult in details. E. A. Osipov analyzes the evolution of French legislation regarding the Islamic issue and generally the state approach to it, from the first scandal with wearing religious clothes at school in 1989 to examination of the law draft “On Strengthening Republican Principles” in 2021. The article by R. R. Fakhrutdinov and O. L. Panchenko deals with the regional (using the example of the Republic of Tatarstan) aspect of migration processes within the Eurasian space and experience of development of methodology of forecasting the risks of adaptation of Muslim migrants using the example of complex regional research.

Issue publications 5 (103)
East Christian World in Medieval and Modern Period
Islam within the Eurasian space