Editorial Policy

Subscriptions | Periodicity | Copyright | Reviewing | Higher Attestation Commission | Indexing | History of the Journal

“ISTORIYA” is a unique online journal where leading researchers in history publish their scientific and educational article. “ISTORIYA” is focused on international cooperation in the community of professional historians through comparing their views on topical problems of World History. The journal materials are of interest not only for researchers, teachers and students, but for all those interested in history.

“ISTORIYA” provides for millions of readers round-the-clock access to historical materials, quality of which was checked by the professional historian community. “ISTORIYA” guarantees: 1) permanent storage of the articles 2) constant web-address 3) authentic articles and no change in the published texts. “ISTORIYA” is guided by the principles of this Editorial Policy and the Publication Ethics.


Individual access to the journal materials is provided on the basis of obligatory registration and paid subscription. Unlike most modern periodicals, you can subscribe not only to separate issues of the “ISTORIYA”, but also directly to those articles that are of greatest interest to you. The cost of one article is only 100 rubles.

Subscription to the “ISTORIYA” for organisations provides access to full-text versions of articles of the scientific and educational issues within one calendar year without limiting the number of users, visits, and views.


During the calendar year, 12 issues are regularly published (1 issue per month) on various topics of historical research and in accordance with the thematic plan approved by the editorial board. The number of publications in thematic blocks in issues does not exceed 30. Issues of the journal can also be published in the traditional printed version in the amount required for mandatory distribution.


In accordance with the Licensing Agreement the author transfer the exclusive right to publish and distribute his/her article to the State Academic University of Humanities (GAUGN) as the publisher of “ISTORIYA” without charge.

NB! The author retains the right to copy or transmit a copy of the published article in whole or in part for scientific and educational purposes free of charge, with a link to the “ISTORIYA” website, pledging not to use it for commercial purposes and not to place the original electronic layout of the article in any other publications or databases without the consent of GAUGN.

The author, for his part, confirms that:

  • he/she is the rightful copyright holder of the article
  • the article is original, has not been previously published in other publications in its current or similar form, including translation into other languages
  • there is no plagiarism in the presented article, namely: a) literal reproduction of more than 10% of the work of another person without proper forming — attribution, reference to the source, using of quotation marks; b) incorrect paraphrasing of the work of another person, in which more than one sentence was changed within one paragraph or section of the text, or the sentences were arranged in a different order without a link to the source
  • the article does not contain materials that are not subject to publication in public sources, does not contain defamatory, knowingly erroneous or falsified statements

NB! The author bears full responsibility and all risks of the Journal if, at the time of publication of the article in the “ISTORIYA” journal, the author was bound by any obligations with third parties regarding exclusive rights to use the article.


All applications for publication received to the “ISTORIYA” are registered on the web-platform JES and assigned a unique article code (Publisher Item Identifier). At the review stage, the editorial board decides on the compliance of the manuscript with the scientific profile of the journal, the thematic issue plan and the basic design requirements. The decision on the thematic discrepancy can be made by the editorial board without additional explanations and review. The editorial board checks compliance with the specified requirements within up to 15 days.

All articles submitted to the editorial board of the “ISTORIYA” undergo a mandatory double-blind reviewing (the reviewer does not know the author of the manuscript, the author of the manuscript do not know the reviewer).

The articles are reviewed through the online review module built into the web-platform JES. Reviewing of articles is carried out by members of the editorial board, as well as non-member reviewers — leading experts in the relevant fields. The decision on the selection of a reviewer is made by editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief or publishing editor. In case of a conflict of interest a reviewer has the right to refuse for the examination of the article.

The review period is at least 30 days, but it can be extended at the decision of the editorial board or reviewer’s request. As a result, the reviewer makes recommendations:

  • the article is recommended for publication as currently presented
  • the article is recommended for publication after correction of flaws noted by the reviewer
  • the article needs additional review by another specialist
  • the article cannot be published in the journal

If the review contains recommendations for correcting and reworking the article, the editorial board sends the text of the review to the author with a proposal to take them into account in the preparation of a new version of the article or to argue them (partially or completely). The reworked article should be sent for review again.

The reworking of the article should not take more than 2 months from the moment of sending to the author about the need to make changes. After this time, the author is notified of the removal of the manuscript from the consideration. If the author refuses to correct the article, he or she should inform the editorial board about it in written form.

Articles not recommended for publication are not accepted for reconsideration.

The existence of a positive review is not a sufficient basis for the publication of the article. The final decision on publication is taken by the editorial board. In any conflict situations, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief.

After the editorial board accepts the decision to admit the article for publication, the editorial office informs the author about it and indicates the time frame within which the article may be published. For author, the publication of articles in the journal is free of charge.

In the case of reviewing through the online review module, the original reviews are kept for an unlimited period of time and are always available to members of the editorial board. In case of traditional reviewing, the originals are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years. In case of corresponding request, the editorial board also send a copy of the review to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Higher Attestation Commission

The Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of doctoral theses. The scientific articles published in the journal correspond to the Nomenclature of Specialties of Scientists, approved by Order No. 118 of the of Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of February 24, 2021:

    • 5.6.1 Russian History
    • 5.6.2 World History
    • 5.6.3 Archeology
    • 5.6.4 Ethnology, Anthropology and Ethnography
    • 5.6.5 Historiography, Source Study and Methods of Historical Research
    • 5.6.6 History of Science and Technology
    • 5.6.7 History of International Relations and Foreign Policy

Ltd “Integration: Education and Science”, publisher of the Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA”, is included in the list of publishers of textbooks allowed for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 699 of 9 June 2016).


Scientific articles published in the journal are indexed by the Russian Scientific Citations Index, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI, since 2015), Scopus (since 2019), article abstracts are placed in the Electronic Scientific Library eLIBRARY.ru, the International Search System Google Scholar, the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences ERIH PLUS, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. In accordance with the international standard of scientific periodicals, each published article receives its unique DOI code (Digital Object Identifier).

History of the Journal

The idea of creating an electronic academic publication arose in 2005, when several prototypes of an electronic journal were prepared within the joint activity of the State Academic University for the Humanities and the Institute of World History (Russian Academy of Sciences) in the creation of the Scientific and Educational Center for History. At that time, the electronic journal was perceived not so much as an independent mass medium regularly published on the web, but as an online analogue of a traditional printed publication. The multidimensional nature of the given tasks required quite a long time to work on the conceptual, organizational and program-technological issues.

The fifth All-Russian scientific and methodical meeting of deans and heads of departments of classical universities and universities held March 31 to April 1, 2009 on the basis of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation — guided by the idea about the need to integrate science, education and information technology — supported the proposal of the Scientific and Educational Center for History to establish an online media for publicating scientific articles on the most relevant areas of historical research.

Throughout 2009, the scientific, methodological and organizational principles of the journal were developed, and it was registered by the Federal Communications Oversight Service as a mass medium. In early 2010, the first issue of the Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” was published, and already in 2011 the magazine received recognition from the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles.

In 2013, “ISTORIYA” was transferred to a new technological platform JES (Journal of Education and Science), which most fully meets modern standards in the field of scientific periodicals.