Sun as the Symbol of the Monarch in Russian Culture of the Second Half of 18th Century
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Sun as the Symbol of the Monarch in Russian Culture of the Second Half of 18th Century
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Evgeny Pchelov 
Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology RAS
Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article discusses metaphorical comparison of a monarch to the sun in Russian culture of 18th—19th centuries. The tradition dates back to civilizations of the Ancient East, however it was later reconsidered in the Christian sense. The sun is not only the ruler but Christ himself (“the Sun of Righteousness”). Thus, similitude of a monarch and the sun was also that of Christ. Such juxtaposition often occurred in Old Russian culture, beginning in the premongolian epoch and further to the Tsardom of Muscovy, when it entered panegyrical poetry. In the time of Peter the Great the importance of such metaphor increased under influence of Western European emblematics, wide spread in xylography, numismatics, medallic art, etc. The sun was the epithet for nearly all Russian monarchs and after Peter throughout 18th and 19th centuries. At the same time the sun, especially rising, became closely associated with women on throne in particular, achieving additional meaning regrading that they have seized power. The ascend to the throne of Elizabeth of Russia after coup in 1741 was described by Russian poets as the shining sun in the morning hour dispersing the obscurity of her predecessor. The metaphor was so appropriate that it was repeated in the same circumstances of Elizabeth II accession supplemented with masculine features of Phoebus. That image was inherited by her grandson Alexander I.

sun, monarch, symbolism, emblematics, poetry
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