Pseudoheraldry on Mamluk Coins
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Pseudoheraldry on Mamluk Coins
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Kirill Elokhin 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article discusses signs depicted on the coins of the Mamluks, which had been minted for several centuries of their rule in Egypt and Syria. Some of these signs seem to be borrowed from European heraldry. Such signs could be inherited by sultan’s successors, even despite the change of dynasties. Based on this knowledge, some Western and Russian specialists believe that heraldry did exist in the culture of the Mamluks. The article provides arguments that refute this point of view. The author argues that the Mamluks had their own emblematic system, only partially similar to European heraldry, but based on completely different principles in a completely different society. Formation of this emblematic system was affected by the peculiar structure of the Mamluk state, the elitism of those who had the right to have their own emblem. As for the coins, when they were used, the signs depicted on them could serve as certain markers for use in commercial transactions. The ideology and propaganda were secondary to the economic ones.

heraldry, pseudoheraldry, mamluks, middle ages, egypt, coins, numismatics, emblematics
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