On the Issue of the Union of Russian Military Invalids (Temporarily Abroad)
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On the Issue of the Union of Russian Military Invalids (Temporarily Abroad)
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Anna Volodko 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to a charitable organisation — the Union of Russian Military Invalids (temporarily abroad) in the period 1920—1922. In December 1920, the first organisational meeting of disabled refugees took place, at which it was decided to establish the Union of Russian Military Invalids (temporarily abroad). A board headed by General of Cavalry V. S. Baranovsky was elected. In May 1921, by order of Lieutenant General Baron P. N. Wrangel, General of Cavalry N. N. Baratov became the chairman of the new board. The board began active work. The article deals with the procedure of the Union's activity: the purpose of establishment, organisational structure; the procedure of joining, holding meetings; the rights and obligations of full members, candidates for full members, the Board, etc.; financial support of the Board and the Union's activity.

Union of Russian military invalids, charter, assistance, disabled refugees, N. N. Baratov
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